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Phone Bill Update – jstrauss

Phone Bill Update

So, a few people have been asking me what happened with my now world-famous  (thanks entirely to Russ and his PageRank of 7)  $1,790.84 mobile phone bill, per the update I promised in my original post. But the truth is, I don’t know yet.


Yeah, I haven’t called back yet. I can tell you that according to the Cingular site, I now only owe $1,056.22. I’m not entirely sure where that number comes from, but at this point I don’t really feel like calling to find out.

I never feel like calling the phone company (or anyone else who keeps me on hold for 20 minutes at a time), but I particularly haven’t felt like it the last few days. Why should these days be different from any others? Well, I’m on what I have been calling a mini-sabbatical.

A lot of the people at work are at CTIA this week and I didn’t have a lot of meetings scheduled, so I asked my boss if I could take a few days off from coming into the office. So on Monday night, I headed down to LA to spend the rest of the week at my parents house. I put up an out-of-office notification, but I am still answering emails and dialing into our daily staff calls. The rest of the time, I have spent working on some white papers based on various ideas that have been percolating in my head for some time, but which I just haven’t had a chance to write down. These are mostly for my own edification, since I don’t really expect anyone else to read them (like much of what I write). But, I am having a good time feeling productive for the first time in a while. And that productivity doesn’t include sitting on the phone with Cingular for another half hour plus.

I am almost through with a big chunk of one paper that isn’t really proprietary at all. So, maybe I’ll post some excerpts here once I have proof-read.

I know, I know, you can’t wait!

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