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concert – jstrauss

The Ringers Rocking LA

The Ringers are an LA band fronted by Joe Hursley (aka White Gold). I first caught them opening for Fool’s Gold at one of Little Radio‘s Summercamps in August (see 3rd video below) and they stole the show. The music has started to grow on me, but the performance is pure LA punk and cannot be ignored. If you like to rock, don’t miss a chance to see them live.

“Beaver Fever” and “Keepin’ Your Head Up” at The Viper Room on October 16, 2009 (Joe takes my camera on stage about 2min in):

“Scene You See” at The Viper Room on October 16, 2009:

“Scene You See” at Little Radio Summercamp on August 30, 2009:

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