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Digital camera – jstrauss

Edward Sharpe Rawks My F*%$ing Socks!

My new favorite live band hands-down is Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. I saw them twice in 5 days and would go see them again tonight (and tomorrow night, and the night after that) if I could. They’re apparently starting a ‘residency’ at the Regent Theater in downtown LA on April 30, and I’ve already asked Dave at LittleRadio if my cousin Ben and I can shoot a proper concert video one of the nights.

In the meantime, here’s some footage I shot of their show at The Echo on Monday night (YouTube HD doesn’t quite do the 1080p footage from Kelly’s Canon 5D Mark II, aka my dream camera, justice):

And here are the photos:

Kelly (and her camera) had to leave a couple of songs into the Edward Sharpe set (I had told her they went on at 10pm and they didn’t end up starting until 12:30am). So, what you see here is just them getting started — to give you a sense of where it ended up, Alex, the lead singer (formerly of IMA Robot), spent a good deal of the show shirtless in the audience. I’m actually kinda glad I didn’t have the option of documenting the rest of their set, because I got to go crazy with the rest of the crowd instead. But I’d gladly give up a night of rocking out in order to have the opportunity to properly document this incredible spectacle. Dave, call me! 😉

P.S. I first discovered Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros through the most excellent NPR All Songs Considered Live Concerts podcast (originally via Ian, of course).

Update: Here’s some video of the opener, Fool’s Gold:

I have 1 more Edward Sharpe video, but it’s just barely over YouTube’s 1GB upload cap. So, I guess I’m gonna keep it to myself for now.

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